Welcome Friends!

"The more we get together the happier we'll be"


June Forth throuh Eighth

The Robin babies are doing well-- all four of them
They are much more active this week,  poking their heads out of the nest, and even starting to preen their little feathers. We saw red-tailed hawks flying way up high in the sky on Wednesday morning, and everyday the swallows  have been darting around just over head. We went on bug hunts, turning over some logs and rocks, finding ants, slugs, centipedes, and pill-bugs of every shape and size. We noticed how they roll up into a little ball when they are scared, and we all paused to wait and watch  one uncurl again.  .

Playing in the yard

Big kids give little kids a ride in the wagon
A new house under the dome

In the Barn-- Loving the Goaties

Working in the garden

turning compost over and filling the wagon to take to the herb garden
watering the freshly planted basil
dumping compost

C. poses for a shot taken by H.
picking chamomile

 Not much time spent inside these days...

11 high and rising

"Im scratching her back" (washing play dough off toy animals)

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