Welcome Friends!

"The more we get together the happier we'll be"


It was a busy morning with lots of spraying and washing, building with bristle blocks, beading (and cleaning up spilled beads), fitting together natural element shapes, and working with play dough.

The clean team is on the job!

Playing and Sharing

Cleaning up messes can be fun.

Making it fit together

Squeezing out play-dough noodles
Breakfast: Shredded Oats cereal (Barbara's)
                  Apple Slices

Lunch: Freekeh
            Green Lentils
            Steamed Cauliflower and Kale
            Roasted Sweet Potatoes

Snack: Rice Cakes
            Organic Muenster Cheese

Visiting the Animals in the Barn

Playing hide and seek in the  hay

Maple pops her head out to say "Hello"
Enjoying the sights, sounds and smells of the barn


Scooping and Straining:
Sand, Shells, and Creatures

I'm so glad to find out this little guy LOVES to clean the windows. It's nice to have a clear view.

The children got to meet Fire today. She was up in the meadow, so we walked up to say hello and give her a few oats. Then she followed us back to the barn, where we gave her more oats and some brushing. She is such a sweet old gal. 


Breakfast: Toast with Flax Oil (Ezekiel bread)
                  Scrambled Eggs (from our own hens)
                  Soysage (Gimme lean)
                           Green Juice (Kale and OJ)

Lunch: Brown Basmati Rice
            Spaghetti Squash (Red Tail) 
            Marinara Sauce 
            Steamed Broccoli (Blue Heron)
                 Veggie Nuggets (Quorn)
            Flax Milk

Snack: Buckwheat/Blueberry Muffins 
            Almond Yogurt


Today was all about "together"....



We didn't make it outside this morning but instead had some extra time in the classroom, gluing beans and lentils.

Breakfast: Oatmeal with Milk and Raisins 

Lunch: Whole Wheat Pasta with Red Sauce 
             Veggie Meatballs (Gimme Lean)
             Frozen Edamame (steamed)
             Roasted Parsnips and Potatoes(from Muddy 
Snack: Peanut Butter Toast (Ezekiel)        

Frozen Blueberries (Glen Haven) 

Apples Slices

Spreading peanut butter



Planting Garlic
on a beautiful sunny day

Preparing tags from a yogurt container.

 Breaking apart the cloves

Putting the garlic to bed for the winter.

And then Margot got a turn with the camera



Welcoming Fire the Horse:
An old friend has come to live with us.
Thanksgiving 2011

Fire in the Morning

Introducing Fire-at-Night, a 13? yr old Tennessee Walking Horse

Fire is a really gentle horse

Mister at work.. as a watcher and companion

Collecting Milk Weed pods

Milk Weed pods by candlelight at the dinner table

Gratitude and Blessings to ALL 



 Morning work time

Outside time with the animals

Water Exploration/Color Mixing

Breakfast: Mozzarella Omelet
                    Toast (always Ezekiel)with Flax oil
Lunch: Kasha (toasted buckwheat groats)
            Roasted Potatoes and Carrots (local)
            Steamed Brussel Sprouts (local)

Snack: Corn Thins 

            Blueberries (frozen local)


Working with Bristle Blocks
Building a gas station

Drawing happy

Drawing focused

Working a World Puzzle Map

Washing Windows with a Friend.

Breakfast: Oatmeal with raisins and almonds
                  Kale-Orange juice

Lunch: Sprouted Wheat Noodles with Marinara
             Spaghetti Squash with Fresh mozzarella 
             Veggie Meatballs
              Steamed Brocolli
              Green Salad with Carrots and Sprouts 

Snack: Almonds
            Raisin Toast with Neufchatel Cheese

A few more pictures from today. It was a great day!